Allow arbitrary private comments almost everywhere


Allow arbitrary private comments almost everywhere.

Suppose our friend susan@example.com keeps mistyping her name when giving people her email address, and we take pity on her and add an alias susna@example.com which is simply forwarded to susan@example.com.

A year later we notice this odd email forwarder susna@example.com and we don't understand why it's there (because we forgot), so we delete it, and her email suddenly breaks.

It would have been nice, when we added susna@example.com, to have also added a private comment to it, so we could remember why this forwarder is there.

People forget why they do things. Everywhere where we add something, such as a domain name, an MX record, an email address, and anything else, we should be able to also add a private comment explain what we are doing and why.

MX record: Add a private comment saying this is an off-site MX because we're using Google for email but keeping our website here, and adding a URL where we can manage our Google account.

Email address: Add a private comment explaining who this email address is for and why.

Domain pointer: Why do we need this? If this is just an experiment, add a comment saying "for temp use, OK to delete later".

And so on.


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This would be very handy!!
We are also wanting this more and more