Automatically IPv6 address assignment

Infra Blocks

Now IPv6 is becoming a more known standard in the hosting industry, we’d like to take advantage of this by allocating a unique IPv6 address to each DirectAdmin user.

The main reason behind this is being able to diagnose which user is being DdoSed for example. The more IPv6 traffic there is, the easier it’ll be to pinpoint the “bad user” in such case. When there is one shared IPv6 address for the entire server, it’ll be guessing which user/domain is target of a DDos and it’ll take down the entire server.

In case a specific IPv6 address is being target of a DDoS, we as hosting company can blackhole/nullroute the IPv6 address in question so the rest of the server/IPv6 addresses remain online.

A feature like this would be very helpful in the near future – especially now IPv6 popularity is growing. We need to take advantage of IPv6 as IP wasting won’t be an issue any longer like there is with IPv4.

Right now we’re manually assigning unique IPv6 addresses to users and their domains on some servers, but it’s a hell of a job. It’s also an issue with restoring full backups, as we need to manually re-add the additional IPv6 address back to the account.

Our request would be to built something to add bulk IPv6 addresses from a specific subnet. Say 100+ IPv6 addresses at a time. When a new user is being added in DirectAdmin, the system picks an available IPv6 address and allocates it to this user. This IPv6 address should be used for all domains under this specific DirectAdmin account.

See ticket #14508 for more details!


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Alberto Delgado

I agree but I would like auto asign an ipv6 address per domain from a given netblock... at webserver and outgoing mailserver too



This 2 years feature, I think DA now has template to add IPv6 record automatically. Does this mean this feature is completed?



I like this idea, IPv6 gives the flexibility of giving each user their own IPv6 for their use instead of sharing. Only need to keep in mind setting reverse DNS for each IP as it's added as to minimize email being tagged as SPAM.

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Infra Blocks

Yes, if you send email via the assigned hosting IPv6 ip yes.

If you send it from the main server IPv6 record you won't have a problem.

As always this is the responsibility of the sysadmin that manages the server.