Change ESF spam message


When an incoming message fails Easy Spam Fighter, the sender may receive the following message:
"Your message to [recipients] was classified as SPAM. Please add more content, cut down on HTML links, use fewer naughty words etc. Also, ask your IT dept to make sure your mailserver has REVERSEDNS, SPF, DKIM, and is not on any black lists. Your score: [spam score]”
I feel this message patronises the writer by telling them to add unnecessary words or remove 'naughty words' when the real cause of false positives, in the vast majority of cases, is a misconfigured outgoing mail server or a blacklist.

So I propose two possible solutions:
1. Give admins an easy way to customise this message in DA, so it doesn't get overridden by updates.
2. Create a better default message. I propose the following as an improvement:
"Your message to [recipients] was classified as SPAM. If this is a mistake, please contact your IT department or hosting provider and ask them to make sure your outgoing mail server is not on any blacklists and that it is configured correctly. Common errors include incorrectly configured SPF or DKIM records, or no reverse DNS lookup. Your spam score: [spam score]"