Detect hacked accounts with neural network


Detect hacked accounts with neural network.

I know this will sound like wishful thinking, but I think we have the technology now to actually do this. Detect a hacked account with a neural network and automatically take some temporary action (e.g., suspend account, notify reseller and/or admin).

Open source neural network libraries are available. All that's needed is for the DirectAdmin developers, who I think are technically brilliant, to feed the neural network enough data to train it, and then build it into DirectAdmin.


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Joris de Leeuw

Neural networks require a lot of CPU power and there are many much better options to simply recognise patterns.

So why do you want a rather complicated neural network if options like Patchman can already help you with detecting infections and stop malware?



By the way, the credit card companies already use neural networks to detect fraud. And Google, of course, uses one to identify cats.