Directadmin.conf needs a Admin only GUI screen


directadmin.conf needs an Admin-only GUI screen. So admin users can know what they have selected without using the cmd line. Since DirectAdmin now caters to the Personal Users these types of things need to be added in some way. Since it's not just for Admins any longer.


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Christos Panagiotakis

Needed I think. Before seeing this I posted feedback.directadmin.com/b/feature-requests/tweak-settings-settings-exaplanation-frontend-or-page/ which is almost identical.
There are things that they got deprecated and we should know about it, so a web gui might be useful. Also new things/variables/parameters after updates should be in there. Something gets updated, a new parameter "is born" and we don't know about it to use it. Should be in there too. Call it ssl, sni, dkim, xxx-new-stuff.

Also a few thing doesn't get only 0 and 1 like dkim. Explanations and/or default values should be explained like in CustomBuild GUI with mouseover/popups.



Good idea so we can teach non technical guy to manage Directadmin site. Why this feature is important is because of the productivity. Example without GUI, hey John I don't want to encrypt my backup OK wait. 1) Login into SSH, cd /usr/local/directamin/ enter.. oh crap typo (sometimes). 2) cd /usr/local/directadmin/ enter .. 3) ./directadmin set allow_backup_encryption 0 4) service restart directadmin. Done. That took a while. Now with GUI 1) Login, 2) click click click click done. Faster and no typo error. Please add this feature.


James Fouracre

Very much needed!


Richard G

Nice to have for lazy admins.
But admins should be a bit admins and know about things and knowing how to fix if GUI does not work.
No need for something which should be in fact little used to be in a GUI. And which should be basic DA knowledge anyway.
Unless somebody creates a plugin for it.

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The DirectAdmin.conf is the core of the features of the system. I would not call myself lazy. I have over a 1000 posts helping people. The GUI would help us to know what all the features are in the system. Currently we have to dig through a forum and poor documentation to find features.

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Richard G

I don't agree. I agree that you are not lazy, I was talking in general.
It says options.conf not directadmin.conf. :)
A GUI would only be of help if all options are described. There is another request for a good manual/documentation about these things.
Part is made for directadmin.conf.
it just needs to be updated.
For options.conf it might be nice, but options.conf is almost self-explanable if you look into the file. It's a quite easy config file and even I understand it when I was starting my company with no DA knowledge.
But it's not a good idea to create GUI for documentation purposes, that's for lazy admins imho.



I updated the main topic so it is more clear. Sorry if it was confusing. It's not about option.conf


Richard G

Thank you for updating.
But if a personal user wants to play admin, they should learn things also. Especially start learning basic commands and SSH.
Because some things will also be put in directadmin.conf automatically when using other things like install scripts.
For example, it's no use to enter letsencrypt=1 in there if you don't know that this is done automatically when using the installation script.
Personal users = admin. I don't think the pro's need to be disturbed by something like this.
However its'a feature request, lets look how far it gets, one never knows.

The file is partly self explainable and there is a help section with options explained (which only needs updates).
So I can't upvote this for you for these reasons, sorry.


Anay J

Ofcourse , its very much needed. Can also do simply with script like used by CSF for its csf.conf



-1 > nice-to-have
DA is for technical people, it should stay that way! And keep focus on the really helpful stuff and not get distracted by making things too easy.

At the other hand.... somebody can just make a nice template/GUI for this as a plugin..... like custombuild.

But we do need more central explanation of all options, as requested in:

  • R


It's not about technical thing, it's about productivity. Typing the same long commands everyday just to do a simple thing is not very productive. custombuild already has its own GUI why not doing the same with directadmin ?

For example, if someone just want to enable ipv6 option in directadmin. Then he should do the following:

1) Login into SSH
2) Well, if you have passphrase, there you go.. typing some more ...
3) Now you are in the SSH server
4) cd /usr/local/directadmin
5) ./directadmin set ipv6 1 restart

Perhaps, most of us probably copy pasting the above command if we use it frequently (I admit it). With the GUI, we do not need to login into SSH server, less click time. Productivity increased.. DO not waste your valuable time with typing the same so called 'technical thing'