Email black/whitelist per email address


The blocked/allowed email list in DA > Spamassassin applies to all addresses within a domain. It would be much better if we could also set each entry for a specific email address rather than the whole domain. This would prevent one email user blocking/allowing emails for all other email users of the same domain, which is undesirable.

Where you add 'E-mail Blocklist' and 'E-mail Allow' entries in DA, a simple "Apply only to:" drop-down with a list of the account's email addresses would work. I don't know about spamassassin but with Rspamd it would be easy to apply the listings to only a specific address in /etc/rspamd/users.d/user.conf using rcpt = "email@address.com" instead of rcpt = "@domain.com"


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Thanks for the suggestion, I actually already have sieve set up. But I wanted this for a Roundcube plugin using DA's API CMD_API_SPAMASSASSIN to allow email users to whitelist addresses. Using sieve means there will be two different white/blacklists to maintain (DA/Rspamd and Sieve) which would get messy/complex. I think it would be really useful (not just for this specific purpose) for domain admin's to be able to white/blacklist email addresses only for one email address within their account. It didn't seem like a huge amount of work to implement so I thought I'd make the suggestion!



You are accessing user global settings in directadmin for the account/domain. Your request kind of poses an idea that all the owners of each mailbox should ask their mail administrator to add something his mailbox specific.
All the users can modify their own sieve filters via roundcube or any mail program that support sieve protocol.

Sieve can be enabled using this guide: