Give the ability to hide some installation output (For script developer)


The directadmin setup script setup.sh is a bash script that contains standard error and output and some of them are written in bad way (this might coming from the other packages). For example, if you want to hide standard output and only show error output during setup, you expect to do this:

./setup.sh auto >> da_standard_log

The above should hide all standard output and show only error in terminal but ...

you can still see a lot of progress bars that are not supposed to show up as error output. These progress bars should be treated as standard output.

Please give the ability to show/hide this installation output using verbosity level. For example:

./setup.sh auto (dont show any output except error) and at the end do not print out admin username and password including port and URL (for security just notify admin to just go and open that setup.txt ) .

./setup.sh auto -v (show small amount of least important log)

./setup.sh auto -vvvv (will show every log)

There are a lot of ugly progress bars like this that fill up the terminal and this is treated as a standard error in setup.sh script:

220000K .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 19% 181K 70m19

Progress bar is not an error message.

Of course these progress bars can be hidden if we redirect standard error to /dev/null. But, we would miss all the other important error messages. So, adding an option (that can help to hide this useless progress bar) would help admin to debug other important messages during directadmin installation.

Refer to the screenshot, I made a spinning progress bar and hide other compilation output in terminal but they still saved in directadmin_install.log. Setup will also printout the last N line of error message if it is halt due to error.