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An easy way to set % of how full a mailbox gets before a user gets notified their mailbox is getting full.
A similar request was made here: feedback.directadmin.com/b/feature-requests/mailbox-full-notification/
Instructions on how to configure this from the command line are at docs.directadmin.com/other-hosting-services/dovecot/user-level.html#lmtp-quota-limit-notifications, but I agree, it's such a fundamental feature that should really be part of the DA interface.
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A similar request was made here: feedback.directadmin.com/b/feature-requests/mailbox-full-notification/
Instructions on how to configure this from the command line are at docs.directadmin.com/other-hosting-services/dovecot/user-level.html#lmtp-quota-limit-notifications, but I agree, it's such a fundamental feature that should really be part of the DA interface.