Include directadmin CLI commands


Directadmin should have its own CLI command for all distribution. Like the linode-cli eg: ( www.linode.com/docs/guides/linode-cli/ ) , we can use this CLI to call API easily without having to deal with curl directly... For example to add a new domain, we could just do:

da-cli domains --add --sign-as user:password --domain-name test.com --domain-email abc@test.com

or we could use this cli command for as a shortcut like putting directadmin into debug mode:

da-cli --debug --value b3000 or da-cli --debug -vvvv

or da-cli can be a replacement to rebuild custombuild application:
da-cli --rebuild-app roundcube

or do something like:
da-cli --show-users --json (list all directadmin users in json format)

or do this:
da-cli --list-suspended-users --json (list all suspended users in json format)

or since directadmin has its own Brute Force Monitor, we can use this da-cli to block an IP through command line like:

da-cli --bfm --block-ip-address

or unblock it:
da-cli --bfm --unblock-ip-address

There are many other useful commands that can be included in da-cli. Please vote to have this feature available.


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Zeeshan Mudassir

it really good specially when we delete some user from WHMCS and its stuck



Please help me vote this.

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