Roman Mazur |
It's would be nice and useful to have JSON output in /CMD_API_SHOW_USER_CONFIG on user level.
For now, there is no JSON (?json=yes) and only URLEncoded output, that's not very usable in JSON/jQuery enabled skin development & customisation.
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Classic productions
Thanks for the report. Bug found/fixed, updated id=2716.
Note, this fix made changes in a large number of areas that generate json output. I've gone over every one, and fairly certain I got them all, but should you hit any errors, like 404 headers and html output after the json, let me know which call it is. Fix in pre-release area.
Roman Mazur
Thanks, John! I will test it in a couple of days.
Roman Mazur
I do some quick-tests over new prerelease binaries and seems to work OK.
Roman Mazur
There is an error in JSON output in prerelease binaries from
/CMD_API_ADDITIONAL_DOMAINS -- doubled {} in the end of output.
I do some checks on to another CMDs and all of listed below works just fine
Status changed to: Live
Added the fix here:
Pre-release binaries should be available in 10 minutes.
Roman Mazur
Great! I'll give it a try tomorrow.
Roman Mazur
I checked it out. It work! Thank you, John!
I guess you might be looking for /CMD_JSON_LANG?request=global ?
Roman Mazur
Thanks alot, but no. CMD_JSON_LANG does not give me an information about custom features (like memcache, firewall, plugin access, SMTP server access) enabled|disabled|value, as CMD_API_SHOW_USER_CONFIG does. Maybe I need to add something to my skin. More then 10 custom features used at a time and I modified Enhanced skin files to support more then 4 features.