PHP APM / Live Profiling (Tideways XHProf + XHGui)


We have slow websites, and NetData does not help, nor YSlow - we just get info that PHP response takes 30 seconds. So there has to be a simple PER-WEBSITE (or per DA User) aplication profiling / perfomance monitoring tool.
And probably OSS Tideways XHProf + XHGui - can be the case.
It should either integrate into NetData section, or EVEN better - with exact user in DirectAdmin, where you can select domain, and maybe even append cookie data somehow (to see exact use perspective) or query by User IP. And to store in database i.e. last 30 minutes.

XHProf & XHGui
I've worked some years with XHProf and XHGui. This is really useful and can also be used in production. There is a great dashboard with all information you need and you can compare different requests with each other. A call graph is also available. The installation is easy and there are some good posts on techPortal and Engine Yard.

Tideways runs with very low overhead and can be used in production. There is no free version available, but there are several pricing plans. The profiling data can be grouped in transcations and there is a bootleneck and slow external calls detection. I really like the new Timeline feature, which collects time spans of interesting events that happened during a request. You can find more about the Profiler features in the Tideways blog and it's possible to write own extensions. All data is securely sent to the Tideways server.