PHP version selector for subdomains when using CloudLinux PHP

Infra Blocks

When using CloudLinux with PHP from CloudLinux installed it only shows the primary PHP version installed/compiled by Custombuild (lsphp) but not a dropdown of available lsphp installed versions besides the custombuild compiled lsphp which is not used by the domain itself because that one is served with CloudLinux PHP. Will there be a implementation of this within the PHP version selection of subdomains?

This is a missing part of the CloudLinux PHP implementation within DirectAdmin!

I am yet aware i can set a PHP version with a .htaccess rule like this:

SetHandler application/x-lsphp71


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Adam Berry

This would be great to see - but isn't this a CL request? I've had the same battle on cPanel, so I'm guessing this just isn't a feature of CL yet..?


Infra Blocks

No, CL supports it with a .htaccess edit like stated above which DA could place/edit or fix it with a template if they wish. The issue is that DA prefers their PHP solution even when CL lsphp is enabled. Not a full integration in my book.


Chris Danks

I too wish DA would integrate this! We get so many confused customers who want to use different PHP versions across sub domains and addon domains.

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