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if possible any user can edit php.ini from user panel? like allow_url_fopen, allow_url_include,file_uploads ,memory_limit ,post_max_size and more. i know it's possible from cloudlinux if directadmin do his own featured it will better
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Fuck you and your site....shettttt
What happen and why we all can't open last page for work???????
But don't work for me
And don't open my last page why?
I found spelling error for 'session.gc_maxlifetime' in www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=2780
Status changed to: Live
It's available in pre-release now. Feature page: directadmin.com/features.php?id=2780
MFR Anas
Is it happening now?
Status changed to: In progress
Status changed to: Planned
Merged with: Ability for Users to edit php.ini
I think statement on open_basedir is wrong. Why? open_basedir admin-level settings shouldn't be overriden by a user. Please check www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.open-basedir:
Quote: "As of PHP 5.3.0 open_basedir can be tightened at run-time. This means that if open_basedir is set to /www/ in php.ini a script can tighten the configuration to /www/tmp/ at run-time with ini_set()."
Meaning that end-user can tighten admin set parameters, but not to loosen them up. If they used CloudLinux PHP selector - they might have found it there in cPanel, but it's available in DA as well, because it's CageFS preventing users going out of their directories then.
To prove it - I've checked cPanel demo.. :) Attaching screenshot from PHP editor section: custombuild.eu/cp_multi_php.png
Real IT Solution
mate i think you forget to check editor sector prtsc.pw/ss00365.png
I did not :) It does not loosen open_basedir parameters if they're set (you cannot disable open_basedir if it's already set). Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
Amit Kumar
I have not yet tested on cpanel I will update once I will test it on cpanel as per host says it works there.
Any news on this? :)
Real IT Solution
Mate you can make same to same which fuction stay on cpanel.. not need extra if you not think it's not possible.. you can make admin level and user level same to same like cpanel
Stelios Asmargianakis
This is a great feature to have as nowadays most of the apps require custom php.ini
James Fouracre
Great Idea!
Amit Kumar
Yes if directadmin want to capture the market and surpass the cpanel then must work on user level. End user is the one who actually useses the services and over which reseller and admin depends. If end user not satisfied then there is no use of adding features at reseller level or admin level. So directadmin must focus on shared hosting industry to gain its popularity, users and its market shares .User level must be feature rich as cpanel done improvement continuously on it. Users are addicted to cpanel. But that can be beaten easily by directadmin if they do the right implementation.
Just so you know. I spoke to them and they don't want to be or surpass cpanel. They actually like being Smaller and Simpler. Not that your idea is bad I wanted you to know in relation to this "if directadmin want to capture the market and surpass the cpanel"
Amit Kumar
From the words you can not come to know about real intention of any entity since the cpanel price increased they have done tons of feature implementing on directadmin quickly this indicate they actually want to capture the market. And all business runs on rival. You have to do competitive things to keep your company stand which is good . And most importantly keeping the things simple does not mean that you will sacrify functionality and not make user able to run their application. Though I appreciate directadmin for simplicity and price.
DA != cPanel && DA != Plesk
And I love them for that ! ;-)
DA is more technical and more flexible, but you need more technical knowledge to get some things done. And that is ok!
Why not get your "own" (managed) VPS with admin/root-access, so you can handle the open-basedir yourself. With 100+ clients that is even cheaper!
Amit Kumar
It's not about only open basedir. need is of php. Ini editor is ever demanding and being a hosting provider you will not customize php.ini for each user separately there must be a way user should modify it himself according to its need. And ini editor is demanding feature for php developers they need flexibility and they are the one who suggest user to buy which panel, that's why cpanel implemented it otherwise they must have not waisted their time and money for this to develop.
Amit Kumar
This feature is very essential my host provider denied to disable open basedir and it was necessary in order to install a script so at last I had shifted to cpanel
-1 > not needed!
There are multiple ways to do this with httpd-config.
We use Centos7 with nginx. Which also does not support .httaccess.
With tokens and domain-variables I made an extended config, where I can decide per user or even per (sub)domain what ini-options php should use
Look at:
* www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=2442
* www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=430
* www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=756
* help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=2
* www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=2329
Also you can let your webserver include something like .user.ini where users can put there settings insteadof .httaccess
And PHP Selector that is separate from LVE
Shehan Manuja
eagerly waiting for this.
Hans Haufe
Isn't this already possible via .htaccess ? although a gui wrap would be nice.
Real IT Solution
htaccess.. not works on openlightspeed.. and also lost of user are not familer to use htacess .. so GUI should be best..
Hans Haufe
Fair enough.