Remove "Verify License" Button

Dominik Bauer

Under "System Info & Files" -> "Site Summary / Statistics / Logs" clients see the button "Verify License".

The end customer usually does not know which license it is and can't understand the returned message.

It would be great if the button can be disabled.


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Daniel N

Probably would be better to have that message improved in such way to be more clear... like "Your license is registered with ZXC. If you rented this license for external use without an ZXC service, your license is invalid and could be subject to suspension." etc.. but the user should be able to check the license, so removing the button it's not a good idea...

Also, I find disturbing that DA (at least of what I know) is not doing much about illegal license sales... To give just an example, here www.nav.ro/licente-directadmin are sold DA licenses for external use... and they also pretend they have a special deal with DA that gives them the right to sell those licenses (translate the text above the footer - Certificare DirectAdmin). And they do the same with cPanel (also cP doesn't care)... It's quite UNFAIR for those that actually respect the rules...



if you are on EVO just go to customize skin and disable it


Richard G

End customers seldom go and have a look there.
The return message is very clear.
It can be taken away, but to me it only seems an issue for people running invalid or unlawful licenses.