Set Catch-All emails to ignore as Default


Please set the Catch-All email settings to ignore as default (or add Server wide custom setting change by Admin), the way it is now causes bounces when there is a spam attack and causes issues for users who were not aware it is not set to ignore.


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Mails should be rejected when a mailbox does not exist. That's the recommended way and it's the reason why the request haven't got many votes during this period as well.

From a perspective of spammers, who may start pushing even more spam mails as all the mailboxes they check would appear as "existing". That domain will start receiving lots spam in no time.
And another case, which is even worse is when users who the mistyped mail won't get any notification that they did something wrong expecting that their mail is successfully delivered.
Changing default to 'ignore all' is not a viable option.