Tristan |
Would be very nice to have Spam/Not Spam buttons in the RoundCube webmail so end users can teach SpamAssassin or Rspamd. As suggested by Martynas maybe implement:
Activity Newest / Oldest
in the roundcube config file
// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
$config['plugins'] = array(
Look for markasjunk
is actually in the doc you quoted. Roundcube has this already you just need to activate it.
Recent versions of RoundCube include a markasjunk2 plugin for allowing users to mark Spam/Ham in a convenient way. Please make sure the Junk/Spam folder matches your configuration.
How would you make this change persistent through updates?
EDIT: I figured it out. The Roundcube config file needs to be copied to /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/roundcube/config/ and changed.