Universal Maximize


Universal Maximize.

DirectAdmin currently provides a Maximize feature that lets a plug-in use more screen space than the default of window of limited width.

The feature request here is for a universal Maximize button that acts on all screens. Rationale follows.

Many of us have invested in monitors with larger and/or high-resolution displays. It's nice to be able to use all the screen space.

Currently, DirectAdmin does not try to use all screen space. Quite a bit of space is used up at the top with logo and menus, while there is unused space to the left and right. A Maximize button would eliminate the wasted space on the left and right.

Once we do that, there are boundless possibilities. For example:

- Menus and logos at the top can be spread out more left and right, and hence would use up much less vertical space. More lines of data can be shown, e.g., more users could be listed on each screen.
- Long filenames (file manager) and command lines (cron jobs) can be more fully shown and are less likely to be wrapped around or truncated.
- More columns of data can be shown.

For comparison, note how Gmail, Google Calendar, and some other Google services, fill up the entire screen no matter what the shape or size. DirectAdmin should have the capability of doing the same, at least as an option.


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Are you sure you're talking about the Evolution skin? Hybrid, Icons Grid, Sidebar layout options are all full-width.



I had briefly tried the various modes, and didn't find one that stretched the data across, only stretched the menus. But maybe you are right. I will check again, and post an update soon.



Thank-you for referring me to the various options in the Evolution skin. I took a good look and most of what I asked for is there. I did find a few places where a better maximize could be done, and I'll update this feature request soon to specifically mention those places.