User Level Backup (cronjob)

Zeeshan Mudassir

it will be best if we allow user can have backup with cronjob like admin backup system and user will use their own space for backup, its mean user can setup backup/restore same as admin for his domain


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Zeeshan Mudassir

additionally, why i feel we should have this option

in that way, customer can create cronjob, or we can setup that to run after domain creation so no one will have to worry about its data they will have always backup
like cPanel create customer backup automatically as well (Full Backup)
if they need space they can remove it but at least 1 backup they can hold for their domains or account
if they have per domain backup that will help them like staging and make DA even more better for everyone and easy for us to sale to our customers
this will be another USP (unique selling point) for DA
please consider it

Thank You


Alberto Delgado

and... please... add "what" to backup at user level


Zeeshan Mudassir

Yes you are right